


The Holy Spirit (Ruach)— our Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, and Strengthener, whom the Father had sent in Yeshua’s name teaches us all things.  I bless you to experience this  motherly comfort and love and safe place  from the Holy Spirit. 

listen, listen, listen 

a small drop of tear fallen 

in a glass bottle 

scattered, dissipated, crushed

the meaning of love 

the song of protection 

fear, pain, loneliness 

do they each have a voice?

do we still have to pretend? 

wandering like strangers in a city 

driving on highway with full speed 

are feelings worthy of discovery? 

are they relentless annoyances? 

perhaps it’s just time to slow down 

to get out of the highway of blindness

healing, cannot be completed without tears

cannot be understood without attention 

with your shaking hands 

find courage from the sky

facing toward His mercy seat 

stretch and touch

let your feelings lead you 

to the memory box that

gold, silver, and precious stones

carved into it, a mirror’s fixed on it

there maybe darkness in the mirror

but there’s more love hovering 

on both sides 

you may not have all the answer 

yet you’ve found friends 

on this journey 

listen, listen, listen 

the sound of soft petals 

the joy and hope of freedom

written and painted by Michelle Zhang

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