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My name is Michelle Zhang. Back in 2017, which is the same year I started painting, I moved to Redding with my husband, Chao, from New York City. I did a year of BSSM back in 2018-2019, and then God took me on this amazing journey of becoming a Multi-Passionate Business Owner. We cofounded an ecommerce family business, followed by two Real Estate businesses.

Meanwhile, I have been serving as a Healing Room Prophetic Artist starting 2019 until now.

Back in 2023, I opened a Prophetic Art Boutique in town during my whole pregnancy journey. I gave birth to our first baby, Hope. I feel the Lord is revealing that “Prophetic Words'' must go hand-in-hand with “Hope”. ✞ 

  • I’m not a full-time artist; therefore I don’t take commission works, sorry:) However, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question, or are interested in anything.

  • I always try to ship as quickly as possible, if not, like some larger art prints or canvas prints are made by order which may takes more than 2 weeks. If that’s the case, I’ll communicate with you and let you know in advance!⚡️


If you want to know more… keep reading…⬇️⬇️⬇️

🌱a snapshot of my 33 years of journey:

I was born in 1989, raised in Shanghai, China. I came from an atheist family, have never encounter any Christian in my life until I came to the State. Buddism and other Eastern religion had a long history of influence in China, Christianity is considered foreign and western.

My daily schedules were filled with homework, quiz, after-school math classes, and piano practices. No matter how much I’ve done and tried, I was never enough. The world was a big scary, dis-empowering place. And because there was no place I felt encouraged to express verbally, I develop interests in art growing up. However, this passion and later became talent (because I practiced so hard, only with my pencil and eraser) was ignored and was called “a distraction”. It probably was…a way to run away, a way to retreat, and a way to daydream… from the reality to fantasy, from natural to spiritual, from outward to inward…

To make my identity more shaken, my Dad was a well-known Principal of a well-unknown High School. He was so dedicated and excellent, so that they almost “pushed” him to take the position. I felt shamed being his daughter, so I denied him in front of my classmates.

By the age of 14 before I came to the U.S., my dignity had been completely traumatized.

It took me an entire 2 years to know Jesus (long salvation stories skip here), I finally came to Christ at age 25. Immediately God start to change me as a whole person and my life in the most beautiful way that no words can describe. I feel I’m living in a movie, a destiny, and I’m the main actress! At the time I was working as a full-time Accountant and Lease Administrator, finishing my Master’s Degree in Accounting on the side. On the outside, I was pursuing a “CPA dream”. Inside, I feel the ache of my heart and brokenness in greater measure as life goes on… I know I need healing. My childhood trauma had followed me and caused repetitive nightmares on daily basis. However, praise the Lord!! I have been completely healed out of it, no more nightmares the past 5 years! Life is only getting better and better!! And Jesus is faithful. He has helped me, inside out.

Truth sets us free, so we are free indeed. This has been my life testimony. I have experienced the freedom and joy like never before in greater measures ever since I made the decision to follow Christ. I honor & value inner healing/heart integration or healing over the heart/healing over DNA - simple faith being practiced inside out.

Fast forward, one day when I was praying, I suddenly sensed a huge desire for making art - something I’ve abandoned for years at the time. I felt Jesus was smiling at me and loving on me by reminding me art... He showed me that this desire was made by Him and He’s pleased with it. I started doing art, more specifically “prophetic art”, in 2017.

side notes: I have a Youtube Channel serving the Chinese-speaking groups to step into more abundance & wholesomeness. So feel free to share it to your Chinese friend (if you have one)!:) 🌸I keep my little art-diary on instagram



Youtube Channel *in Chinese*