“The Living Stones”


This painting represents a secret place where I meet Jesus. He reveals that every pebble represents a miracle available to us.

Another layer of the meanings is that each and every one of us is as unique as each beautifully-designed pebble, you and me all together, million and billions of us form a path of living stones, immersed in His living water… the Kingdom.

And Jesus said, “I love you :)”

Weeks after I received this vision and painted this painting, I was volunteering in Bethel’s children ministry, a 2nd grade girl (who’s only 7-8 years old) came to me and gave me a medium-size pebble, said in her little sweet voice “Jesus wants you to have it :) ” ...I was thrilled and found it was so cute! But didn’t realize it’s directly connected to the painting. I realize it until I got home that day seeing my painting, with my jaw dropped.

you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offeringspiritual sacrifices acceptable to God throughJesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5


Acrylic Painting on Canvas