
breakthrough - showcast.jpg

You’ve been contending 

for this breakthrough… 

and then the next one, followed by another one, and MORE breakthroughs!!

Once after another, they are waves of momentum until you’re lost in this sea of victory and mystery. 

Because of YOUR willingness, wisdom, and intentionality, you’ll eventually experience and be rewarded for this 

BIG one. The one that you’ve been dreaming of, praying, and 


What a beautiful courageous life! No matter how many times of fear and  failure, heartbreak and disappointment, they’re not in vain, but a proof record of YOU as a conqueror, with a character of faith, perseverance, hope, righteousness — your own living testimony.

“..For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down—he who accuses them day and night before our God.  They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

- Revelation 12:11

Testimony- I was displaying this painting in Bethel’s Healing Room one Saturday, a person came to me and shared that she saw a reflection of an angel on this painting. At first, she was confused because there was nobody standing next to it. She came back and forth trying to figure out how this happened, and this continued for 15-30 minutes until the angel disappeared. We both are amazed by this. And I personally believe our angels have been faithfully ministering to us, even though we may not have realized it. When we celebrate our breakthrough, let’s also honor and appreciate those creatures whom God had assigned to help us :) 


Acrylic Painting on Canvas 20’’x20’’